Wealth Amplifiers
Why do I talk about wealth so much?
It's not because I'm money hungry. Quite the opposite actually.
What I truly value in life is being healthy, fulfilled, and free.
However, after speaking with hundreds of high-earning working professionals about life, one consistent theme I have come across is that the pursuit of monetary wealth is the main driver for "falling off" when it comes to people's physical fitness, mental health, relationships, etc.
"I don't have time to work out"
"I'm too tired to read or practice a new skill after a long day of work"
"I can't eat properly because I have to take the client out for dinner"
I'm sure these sound familiar to you.
The demands of high-earning careers cut extraordinarily deeply into many people's lives and the consequences are very real in the form of obesity, chronic illness, anxiety, stress, feeling overwhelmed, not having enough time, etc....
How do we fix this?
I'm not the type of person who can sit there and accept things the way they are knowing we have the power to change them. So in this case, I see a very simple (yet difficult to execute) solution.
Minimize the amount of time spent doing work, while still making enough to support your ideal lifestyle, thus leaving yourself with time and energy to do more of what's most important, and less of the stuff that is bringing bad energy into your life.
Why not work 4 hours a day and make the same amount that you would have made working 8, or 10, or even 12 hours a day?
I don't know about you, but that sounds ideal to me, as it solves the problem among working professionals that I mentioned above.
This Is Where Wealth Amplifiers Come Into Play
To create a reality of less work and more freedom to focus on what's important, one can follow the traditional route of slaving away for years, contributing to retirement, and then hopefully enjoying the ideal lifestyle in their 60s.
Or another way is to strategically invest in wealth amplifiers which will enable you to buy back decades of your life, and give you the space to operate more freely - to be more physically active, to have a clear mind, to not always be in a rush, etc.
Here's how it works....
Wealth is created through "arbitrage" which is essentially when there exists an imbalance or discontinuity between two different realities.
For example, in one reality a person doesn't have the the car that they want, and in an second reality the person does have the car that they want. If you can find a way to put that person into the car that they want then you have leveraged an arbitrage opportunity.
In another example, everyone may pass up on a home that's for sale because in their reality it is in a bad neighborhood, while in your reality you may have insider information that a new neighborhood revitalization project is in the works, thus the home is actually undervalued. This represents an arbitrage opportunity.
There is an opportunity to rapidly amplify wealth when an individual (hopefully you) bridges the gap between two realities.
I see three main areas in life where you can bridge the gap. These three areas are what I like to call the "wealth amplifiers"
Knowledge: An extraordinarily deep understanding of a particular subject matter far beyond the general population
Skills: An ability effectively and confidently to put knowledge of aforementioned subject matter into practice
Network: Exclusive access to influential people within subject matter domain who will provide information, resources, and encouragement
By creating a different reality in which your knowledge, your skills, and your network extend far beyond your average person, you position yourself to unlock wealth creation opportunities that will not be available to most.
Acting alone, these three wealth amplifiers can alleviate the burden placed on those who follow the traditional wealth creation path - working the 9-5 job. However when the three wealth amplifiers are combined, the result can become paradigm-shifting.
Self Investment Is A Must
The key, however, is that you MUST invest heavily in building the three wealth amplifiers. You cannot make a halfway effort in this regard. You must be willing to put up the time, money, and energy required.
And quite honestly, this is where the difference is made, as 99% of people will not commit to the process.
How Does This Look In Real Life?
Take myself for example. Since 2013 I have been investing in, and learning about crypto markets. You may or may not roll your eyes at this, as the crypto market and the technology behind it still fall squarely within the "skeptical" column among most.
However, this is where wealth amplifier no. 1 (knowledge) comes into play.
Beyond the knowledge component, I've spent the better part of the past 3 or 4 years training myself on how to enter and exit investment positions based on my understanding of markets.
And regarding networks I've pulled many strings to secure external funds that enable me to put my investment strategy to work with far more money than I would have if I did it on my own.
What I have effectively done is leverage each of the wealth amplifiers to create a reality for myself in which I can navigate the market in a way that most cannot. This is an arbitrage opportunity that pays.
Thus I now have significantly more time and flexibility to focus on the things that I want to be more of a priority in my life.
I typically work no more than 4 hours a day, which means I can be far more consistent with my workouts, I can manage a healthier diet, I can invest more time reading and learning, and I can spend more time doing leisure activities.
How Can It Apply to Your Life?
If you find yourself not having enough time or energy to do what you know you need to be doing to take care of yourself, then how can you leverage wealth amplifiers to fundamentally change your own narrative?